Prices Increase Again in:


Automated & Live Webinars In Under 60 Seconds, With ZERO Technical Skills

Perfect for Selling High-Ticket Offers, Bundle Deals, Paid Access to Premium Content, and so much more - for a low One-Time fee!

Get Instant Access To JetWebinar Today For A Low One-Time Investment!

LIVE Webinars, And AUTOMATED/EVERGREEN Webinars With Custom Branding

Host Virtual Events:

Host online events like conferences, shows, or product launches with interactive sessions and live demos. 

Product Launches:

Launch new products successfully with online events and great presentations.

Training and Workshops:

Run online training sessions and workshops with interactive features for better learning.

Community Building:

Bring people together with regular online events, networking, and sharing.

Panel Discussions & Interviews:

Arrange panel discussions and interviews with industry experts for useful tips.

Marketing Webinars:

Host marketing webinars to generate leads, offer deals, and even track how long each attendee watched.

Sales Demos:

Sell products with demos, live Q&A, and easy payment options.

Internal Meetings & Collaboration:

Have online meetings and work together on projects easily.

Real Estate Open Houses:

Conduct virtual real estate open houses with interactive tours and live Q&A sessions.

Employee Training & Onboarding:

Simplify employee training and onboarding with live or automated sessions.

Customer Support & Engagement:

Provide customer support with live webinars, interactive polls, and personalized assistance.

Entertainment Events & Performances:

Enjoy online concerts or comedy shows with behind-the-scenes access.

And so much more… 

Educational Webinars:

Teach in virtual classrooms or tutorials with easy-to-use tools.

LIVE Webinars Made Us 

$220,000 In 6-Days…

Just a couple of months ago, we made $220,000 in sales in just 6 days by powering a brand-new product launch with webinars.

BIG Personalities & BIG Companies… ALL have ONE thing in common:


Tony Robbin’s net worth is more than $600 million… and even he hosts webinars regularly

Neil Patel… another BIG name - has done 100s of webinars on Digital Marketing

CEO & Founder of Social Media Examiner – Michael Stelzner made over one million dollars in the first year in business. (without selling ANYTHING for the first 4 months!)

Post Covid - Webinars have become so popular… even FORBES is talking about them

Organizations like WHO also use webinars today

MasterCard has mastered the art of using webinars to revolutionize the Fintech niche

And it’s not just these BIG players who are using Webinars…

Marketers from every niche are using webinars to sell products, services, training, etc.

Here’s another marketer/copywriter Stefan Gorgie who does the same… sends you an email like this…

There are plenty of ways you too can profit from them…

Sell tickets to exclusive webinars or events

Sell your & your client’s products or services

Partner with brands or businesses to sponsor your webinars

Host paid webinars or workshops for clients

Sell online training programs or courses

Offer consulting services

Add affiliate links into your webinar content and earn commissions

Create premium membership programs or subscriptions

Provide personalized coaching or mentoring services

Run ads during your sessions

Host paid mastermind groups or networking events

Let other businesses run their webinars & charge them a fee

Hi there, I'm Neil Napier, and let me tell you something important.

Webinars are my bread and butter when it comes to making money.

In today's crowded market, just shouting about how great your product is won't cut it anymore.

Customers are savvy; they need more than just a sales pitch to be convinced.

Blowing your budget on ads won't guarantee success either; it'll just drain your resources.

That's where webinars come in. They're informative, engaging, & enjoyable for both you and your audience.

I've been in the online marketing game for TEN years now, using funnels & email marketing extensively.

But you know what consistently delivers results? Webinars. 

Especially automated ones.

Businesses And Customers 

Love Webinars

The global webinar market is expected to be worth $4.44 billion by 2025

95% of marketers consider them crucial

Growth Marketing Pro

HubSpot Blog

73% of B2B marketers say they are the best way to generate high-quality leads


And you should love them too… because Webinars can help YOU:

Deliver Value:

Keep your audience engaged and get real-time feedback by answering questions and tailoring your content on the spot.

Position YOU as an Expert:

Hosting a webinar requires commitment from attendees, showing your expertise just by them signing up.


Use your webinar content to gently guide prospects towards a purchase without aggressive sales tactics.

Generate Leads:

Webinars attract new prospects through registration forms, helping you expand your customer base.

Build Relationships:

Interact with attendees in real-time, fostering personal connections and trust.

Invite Guests:

Collaborate with influencers to boost credibility, excitement, and attendance rates.

Attract Affiliates:

Offer affiliates a proven-to-convert webinar campaign, increasing conversions and value.

Speed Up Sales:

Webinars combine trust-building, value delivery, and objection handling, leading to quicker sales.

But I’ll admit - there are a few problems with running webinars…

When you start a webinar…the first time around, things might not go smoothly. 

You could run into technical issues like: 

❌ glitches with the platform, 

❌ trouble syncing your microphone, or

❌ poor sound quality.

You might spend weeks getting everything ready, only to find out that things don't work out as planned.

This can be really frustrating and might make you wonder if webinars are even worth it.

However, The BIGGEST problem I faced (and what thousands of 

Webinar Hosts around the world face)... is the

Audio And Video Latency

Running webinars can be very profitable, and there are a lot of tools out there that help you do this.

BUT they all have one MAJOR issue with the quality of their audio and video output.

Typically - webinar platforms have audio latency issues - people in different parts of the world receive the audio at different times - often delayed by 6 to 7 seconds. 

Which absolutely kills the webinar and any profits associated with one.

And it’s the same with screen-sharing and video.

These problems severely reduce sales.

We have successfully created a platform that has

Superior Video And Audio Streaming With Ultra-Low Latency (~1 sec) 

For Real-Time Streaming

No more frustrated audience members.

No more waiting for viewers to catch up.

No more confused participants.

No more high dropout rates.

No more distrust in your content.

No more sub-standard presentations.

No more negative associations with your product or service.

No more instant exits.

No more compromising on quality.


Get Instant Access To JetWebinar Today For A Low One-Time Investment!

Get Started In Just 3 Simple Steps


Login to JetWebinar & choose the type of webinar you want to run… 

✓ LIVE Meeting, 

✓ LIVE Webinar, 

✓ EVERGREEN Webinar, 


Interact with your audience, share valuable content, and showcase your expertise. Pitch your products and/or services. You can do this for others as well… & charge them an easy $1k-$3k per webinar.


Sell High-Ticket Offers, Bundle Deals, Paid Access to Premium Content or other people’s products/services and get paid a nice commission on every sale

Top Marketers Are Already Seeing A Massive UPWARD SHIFT To Their Bottom Lines 

Running Webinars With JetWebinar

Set-up & Run such 


WITHOUT any tech skills

TODAY - Webinars are absolutely 

CRUCIAL to your success

In today's world, everyone is practically living online. 

Whether they're prospective customers or existing ones, people are constantly connected. 

To attract new customers and support existing ones effectively, engaging them online is crucial. 

And when it comes to online engagement, webinars stand out as the most effective tool available.

Here’s How Existing Customers Are Using JetWebinar To Make MASSIVE Profits…

(and how you can do the same…)

Sell Products/Services:

You can use JetWebinar to host live events where you sell your products or services directly to people watching. It's like having a virtual store where you can showcase what you're offering and convince people to buy.

Find NEW Customers:

Webinars are great for finding new customers. With JetWebinar, you can offer something valuable during your webinar in exchange for people's contact info. Then, you can follow up with them later and try to turn them into paying customers.

Earn Commissions:

You can also make money through affiliate marketing with JetWebinar. This means you promote other companies' stuff during your webinar, and if people buy it because of you, you get a cut of the sale.

Teach Something:

If you're good at something, you can create online classes or workshops using JetWebinar. People pay to join, and you teach them what you know. It's a way to turn your knowledge into cash.

Charge for Access:

JetWebinar lets you set up special memberships or subscriptions. People pay a regular fee to get access to exclusive stuff you offer, like extra content or events. It's like a VIP club for your fans.

Offer Consulting:

If you're an expert in something, you can use JetWebinar to offer consulting services. People pay you for your advice or help with their problems, either one-on-one or in group sessions.

Get Sponsors:

With JetWebinar, you can team up with companies to sponsor your webinars. They give you money or help promote your event, and in return, you mention their products or brand during the webinar. It's a way for both of you to make some cash.

And here’s the BEST part… with the FREE Commercial License Included when you get access to JetWebinar today - you can offer these services to other businesses as well and make good money doing it!

JetWebinar Is Perfect For…

Product Creators

Showcase your products or services easily with interactive sessions, live demos, and Q&A sessions to engage and convert your audience.


Deliver personalized coaching sessions and consultancy services through interactive webinars, fostering stronger client relationships and business growth.


Host virtual classrooms, tutorials, and group discussions to enhance learning experiences using JetWebinar's versatile tools.

Small Business Owners

Expand brand awareness and drive sales through virtual events and promotional webinars using JetWebinar's capabilities.


Engage your audience with panel discussions and interviews, leveraging JetWebinar to boost reach and credibility.

Real Estate Agents

Conduct virtual property tours and client meetings effortlessly, showcasing listings with interactive 3D tours.

Fitness Professionals

Deliver online classes and personalized coaching sessions with interactive features to engage clients and promote wellness.

Legal Professionals

Provide consultations and seminars virtually, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration while maintaining professionalism.


Conduct virtual property tours and client meetings effortlessly, showcasing listings with interactive 3D tours.

HR/Training Departments

Deliver online classes and personalized coaching sessions with interactive features to engage clients and promote wellness.

Customer Support Teams

Provide consultations and seminars virtually, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration while maintaining professionalism.

Healthcare Professionals

Conduct virtual property tours and client meetings effortlessly, showcasing listings with interactive 3D tours.

Financial Advisors

Provide valuable insights to clients with educational webinars and investment seminars, leveraging JetWebinar to grow your advisory business.

Language Instructors

Facilitate language classes and cultural exchange sessions with interactive tools to promote language fluency.

And so many more…

Top Benefits of JetWebinar

Easy Setup

Set up JetWebinar effortlessly with your existing tools and workflows, making it hassle-free to get started.

Clear Audio and Video

Ensure your audience hears and sees you clearly with high-quality audio and video streams, avoiding disruptions during your presentations.

Engaging Interaction

Keep your audience engaged with features like live polls, Q&A, and chat, making your webinars interactive and enjoyable.

Insightful Analytics

Get useful insights into attendee behavior and engagement, helping you improve future events based on data.

Time-Saving Automation

Automate tasks like registration and reminders, freeing up your time to focus on delivering great content.

Easily Scalable

Whether it's a small meeting or a large event, JetWebinar can handle it all, ensuring a smooth experience for everyone involved.

Secure Platform

Rest easy knowing your data is safe with JetWebinar's strong security measures, keeping your information protected.

Customizable Branding

Customize your webinar experience to match your brand, creating a cohesive look and feel for your audience.

Global Reach

Reach audiences worldwide with virtual events accessible from anywhere, breaking down geographical barriers.

Money-Making Opportunities

Explore ways to earn from your webinars, such as ticket sales or sponsorships, using JetWebinar's versatile platform for business growth.

Set-Up & Run such LIVE/AUTOMATED 

Webinars in minutes…

Virtual Event Hosting

Host interactive virtual events like conferences, trade shows, and product launches.

Online Training and Workshops

Conduct online training sessions and workshops with interactive modules and assessments.

Marketing Webinar Campaigns

Run marketing webinars to generate leads and convert prospects into customers.

Sales Demo Presentations

Streamline sales processes by conducting product demonstrations and pitches.

Online Coaching Sessions

Host online sessions for your coaching business without any worries.

Employee Training Solutions

Simplify employee training and onboarding processes with live and automated sessions.

Customer Support Webinars

Enhance customer support efforts through live support webinars and personalized assistance.

Educational Content Delivery

Empower educators to deliver engaging educational content through virtual classrooms and tutorials.

Product Launch Webinars

Launch new products or services effectively with pre-launch and launch webinars.

Community Building Sessions

Foster community building by hosting regular webinars on topics of interest.

With ultra-low latency (~1 sec), running a live webinar on JetWebinar is a seamless experience for both hosts and attendees.

JetWebinar accommodates up to 500 simultaneous participants (with the option for unlimited attendees, explained later) and supports up to 5 presenters.

A built-in pre-webinar check ensures smooth operations, allowing you to identify and resolve any potential issues before the webinar starts.

Live webinars are perfect for product launches, updates, and audience engagement.

Every live webinar is automatically recorded in our cloud upon going live, with options to adjust settings.

Share recordings with attendees and if you want - repurpose them into evergreen or automated webinars.

Check Out JetWebinar’s 

Incredible Features

Conduct video meetings for up to 5 attendees. With ZERO latency…the meetings run smoothly with your employees, business partners or clients across the world.

Want to share something on your screen? – Just push a button to share the full screen or select a specific tab to share.

JetWebinar provides full camera support… including external cameras as well.

Live webinars are perfect for product launches, updates, and audience engagement.

Every live webinar is automatically recorded in our cloud upon going live, with options to adjust settings.

Share recordings with attendees and if you want - repurpose them into evergreen or automated webinars.

Schedule your webinar to replay at set times throughout the day – eg.: every hour or at particular times that you want…

Tell users there’s a webinar just about to start, encouraging them to sign up on the spot. You can even include a ‘Start Now’ option.

Provide chat support for Automated Webinars too. JetWebinar supports Vimeo and YouTube videos too.

JetWebinar’s advanced technology detects the user’s time zone, making it easy for them to pick the time that works best for them. This results in higher conversions because the users choose to watch the webinar when they have no prior engagements.

Automated Webinars are best suited for training, updates, and evergreen sales. These webinars are considered the best source for building a passive income.

SINGLE Presenter

Have just one person leading your webinar. This makes it easier to follow & understand without too many people talking at once. 

Plus, it allows the presenter to maintain full control over the content and pace of the webinar.

Run up to 30 Webinars/Automated Webinars a month

Run up to 30 webinars or automated webinars each month. This means you can talk to your audience regularly without any hassle. 

Additionally, it gives you the flexibility to schedule multiple sessions to cater to different time zones or audience segments.

Detailed Attendee analytics

JetWebinar shows you who came to your webinar and what they did. It helps you understand your audience better. 

Also - it provides insights into attendee demographics, such as location or device used, which can inform your future webinar strategies.

Detailed Engagement Metrics

JetWebinar tells you more than just who came. It shows you what they did during your webinar, like asking questions or voting in polls. 

This helps you know how engaged they were. Moreover, it tracks attendee interactions in real time, allowing you to adjust your presentation accordingly for maximum engagement.

Email Automation

JetWebinar can send out emails for you. It can remind people about your webinar or tell them when it's starting. 

It also follows up with attendees after the webinar, providing them with additional resources or exclusive offers to nurture leads further.


You can save up to 1 GB of recordings, so you don't have to worry about forgetting anything.

Review the recordings later for self-assessment or share them with those who missed the live session.

Make your webinar look good without having to start from scratch.

1-Click Seamless Integrations

Free or Paid Entry Webinars

Let people into your webinar for free or charge them to come. This lets you make money from your webinars if you want to. 

Also - you can offer paid entry webinars to monetize your expertise and content effectively.

Invite up to 100 attendees

You can invite up to 100 people to your webinar, allowing you to speak to many at once. 

This also means different people can join and interact, making the webinar feel lively and collaborative.

Share Your Screen

Show your screen in your webinar. This helps you share slides or other content with your audience. 

Plus, it makes things more visually engaging and allows for live demos or walkthroughs to explain things better.

Share Videos

Play videos in your webinar. This allows your audience to watch videos during the session. 

Also, using videos adds variety to your presentation and helps explain important points or ideas.

Chat with Attendees

Chat with people during your webinar. This allows your audience to ask questions or talk to each other. 

This encourages real-time interaction and makes attendees feel engaged and part of a community.

Real-Time Collaboration

Collaborate with others during your webinar. This helps you run your webinar smoothly… 

… and it lets you co-host or have guest speakers, bringing different perspectives and expertise to the webinar.

Existing Users Can’t Stop Raving About JetWebinar…

Experience Ultra-Low Latency (~1 sec) For Real-Time Streaming with JetWebinar

When it comes to hosting live or automated webinars, opting for JetWebinar over other platforms is a smart choice. 

Unlike its competitors, JetWebinar offers superior audio and video quality with ultra-low latency, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and the attendees. 

Also - you won't have to worry about monthly charges, as JetWebinar is available at a low one-time fee (only during this special launch).

Can you use other platforms to host webinars?  - Yes, of course…

Audio and video latency may disrupt the webinar experience.

Monthly subscription fees can add up over time.

Limited integration options may restrict your workflow.

Poor customer support might leave you stranded during critical moments.

Restrictions on attendee capacity could limit your audience reach.

Basic features may not fulfill your specific webinar requirements.

Lack of customization options may hinder branding efforts.

Inconsistent reliability may lead to technical glitches during live events.

Limited scalability may restrict future growth opportunities.

Poor user experience may result in attendee disengagement and dropouts.

JetWebinar ensures crystal-clear audio and video without any annoying delays, making your webinars truly remarkable.

Unlike other platforms that drain your wallet with monthly charges, JetWebinar gives you all its powerful features for a one-time price.

Seamlessly integrate JetWebinar with your favorite tools and apps to create an unstoppable webinar powerhouse.

Need assistance? JetWebinar's rockstar support team is always ready to save the day.

With JetWebinar, you can host 100 attendees at a time.

JetWebinar scales effortlessly to meet your growing needs.

Make your brand stand out with JetWebinar's customizable options that reflect your unique style and personality.

Say goodbye to technical glitches! JetWebinar ensures a glitch-free experience, so you can focus on wowing your audience.

JetWebinar comes packed with cutting-edge features designed to dazzle your audience and leave a lasting impression

JetWebinar's user-friendly interface makes hosting webinars a breeze, ensuring your audience stays engaged and entertained every step of the way.

JetWebinar vs. The Competition:

How JetWebinar Outshines the Rest

And When You Get Access To JetWebinar Today…

You’ll Also Get These Exclsuive Bonuses


How To Make 6-Figures With JetWebinar

This will be a special live training only for the members of JetWebinar family where Neil, the CEO, will show you how you can use JetWebinar to scale your income to 6-figures. From running webinars that convert at 60% to getting up to 70% show up rate - everything will be covered during this live training session.


Pre-Registration Email Sequence

In this document, I have shared a SKELETON and COMPLETED examples of emails you can send to get more people on your webinars. And once you are done with the webinars, I share the emails you can use to get more people to watch the replay and buy your product or service. The completed email shared is based on a particular offer, so make sure to use it as an example for your business.


Premium Content Optin Page Creator

Build your list with private content! Now you can quickly generate a password protected download page and a squeeze page! Offer some premium content on your page to entice people to join your list. Password protect a page and send them the password after a successful opt in.

JetWebinar's 14-Day Money Back Guarantee: 

Your Success, Guaranteed!

We're so confident that JetWebinar will revolutionize your webinar experience that we offer a risk-free 14-day money-back guarantee. 

Here's how it works:

Dive into our platform, explore its features, and host your webinars with confidence.

Enjoy ultra-low latency, crystal-clear audio and video, and seamless engagement with your audience.

Make a few sales… earn some profits. 

Not fully satisfied? 

Get your money back: If JetWebinar doesn't meet your expectations within the first 14 days, simply reach out to our support team and we'll promptly refund your purchase, no questions asked.

Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity! 

For a limited time only, you can unlock the full potential of JetWebinar and revolutionize your webinar hosting experience. Take advantage of our special offer before it's too late. 

After this limited time launch period, JetWebinar will be taken off from the JVzoo marketplace. Which means this sales page will no longer be available and the one-time offer will disappear.

Even if you don’t do webinars… investing in JetWebinar would be one of the smartest decisions you would make. At some point (and I’d say that point is already here!) you have to start doing webinars.

I am sure your business needs Leads, Engagement, and Profits.

Webinars are the PERFECT tool to scale-up your business.

Choose Your JetWebinar License Now!





  • Live Webinars
  • Meetings
  • Automated (Pre-Recorded) Webinars
  • 5 DFY Webinars
  • Custom Branding
  • Single Presenter
  • Run Up To 30 Webinars/Automated Webinars A Month
  • Attendee Analytics
  • Detailed Engagement Metrics
  • Email Automation
  • Recordings (1 GB)
  • Free + Paid Entry Webinars
  • 100 Attendees
  • Screen Sharing
  • Video Sharing
  • Chat Functionality
  • Real-Time Collaboration
  • Event Templates Included
  • Autoresponder Support
  • Zapier Integration
  • Calendar Integration
  • Ultra-Low Latency
  • Multi-Start Times
  •  Start Now Option
  • Time Zone Detection
  • FREE Commercial License Included

Fast Action Bonuses:

  • How To Make 6-Figures With JetWebinar
  • Pre-Registration Email Sequence
  • Premium Content Optin Page Creator





  • Live Webinars
  • Meetings
  • Automated (Pre-Recorded) Webinars
  • 5 DFY Webinars
  • Custom Branding
  • Single Presenter
  • Run Up To 30 Webinars/Automated Webinars A Month
  • Attendee Analytics
  • Detailed Engagement Metrics
  • Email Automation
  • Recordings (1 GB)
  • Free + Paid Entry Webinars
  • 100 Attendees
  • Screen Sharing
  • Video Sharing
  • Chat Functionality
  • Real-Time Collaboration
  • Event Templates Included
  • Autoresponder Support
  • Zapier Integration
  • Calendar Integration
  • Ultra-Low Latency
  • Multi-Start Times
  •  Start Now Option
  • Time Zone Detection
  • FREE Commercial License Included

Fast Action Bonuses:

  • How To Make 6-Figures With JetWebinar
  • Pre-Registration Email Sequence
  • Premium Content Optin Page Creator

Neil Napier

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is JetWebinar?

JetWebinar is a powerful webinar hosting platform that enables you to host live and  automated webinars with ease. It offers a range of features such as low-latency video and audio streaming, interactive session hosting, attendee analytics, and more.

Q2. How does JetWebinar differ from other webinar platforms?

JetWebinar stands out for its ultra-low latency streaming, allowing for real-time interaction between hosts and attendees. Unlike other platforms, JetWebinar is available (only today) for a low one-time price.

Q3. Can I host both live and automated webinars with JetWebinar?

Yes, JetWebinar supports both live and automated webinars. You can host live webinars to engage with your audience in real-time or set up automated webinars to run pre-recorded sessions on autopilot.

Q4. What is the attendee limit for JetWebinar webinars?

JetWebinar allows you to host webinars with up to 100 simultaneous participants, with the option to have unlimited attendees for select plans.

Q5. Does JetWebinar offer recording capabilities?

Yes, every live webinar hosted on JetWebinar is automatically recorded in the cloud, allowing you to share recordings with attendees and repurpose them as evergreen or automated webinars.

Q6. Can I integrate JetWebinar with other tools and platforms?

Yes, JetWebinar offers seamless integrations with a wide range of third-party tools and platforms, including email marketing software, CRM systems, payment gateways, and more, to streamline your webinar workflow.

Q7. Does JetWebinar offer customer support?

Yes, JetWebinar provides dedicated customer support to assist you with any queries or technical issues you may encounter. Our support team is available via email, live chat, and phone to ensure a smooth webinar hosting experience for you and your attendees.

Get Instant Access To JetWebinar Today For A Low One-Time Investment!

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and don’t apply to the average purchaser. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

By making a purchase on this website, you agree to abide by all our policies and will not be misusing our product(s) for any wrongful purposes.

©2024 Jet Webinar

Marketers like Vince Reed… send you an email like this…

that takes you to the automated webinars like these…

that takes you to the automated webinars like these…

Q8. What if i want more then 100 attendees?

With the commercial version, you'll get 100 simultaneous attendees. However, if you want to increase that number to 500 or more, you can do so by paying a small extra amount and upgrading to the Enterprise Level. That of course is not mandatory, but highly recommended especially if you wish to offer this as a service to clients in the future.





Get 5 DFY webinars with instant affiliate approval when you pick up JetWebinar today.

You’ll be getting 5 proven, high-converting webinars ready to promote our best-selling products – and getting approved as an affiliate instantly! That's exactly what you get. No scriptwriting, no tech hassles, just instant income potential. These Done-For-You Webinars are your shortcut to success with running webinars. Start earning commissions today!